Repurposing content

What are the Benefits of Re-Purposing the Content?

Without a doubt, high-quality content can direct traffic to your website, moreover, can encourage your audience to convert into a lead. But what if your best content didn’t perform as you expected? So, if you have been through this situation, you can give it another shot by repurposing your content.

Repurposing your content allows you to add value to your content by delivering the information in a different and unique way. Repurposing the content is reworking the existing content so that it performs well. And repurposing the content also reduces the load of publishing content daily, improving work consistency.

repurposing content

Repurposing the content doesn’t just reduce the workload; it gives the audience quality information and comes with many benefits.

Benefits of repurposing the content

Your sweat might not always give the best result. Sometimes you might feel that your effort and time have flooded out with total disappointment. This is when you can turn the table by repurposing the content to embrace the benefits.

1. Improve online presence

If you’re having a problem with online visibility, repurposing the content can be the best method. When you have outstanding content, repurposing it can give you more online visibility as your content has already been published.

Having powerful online visibility will increase brand awareness, build audience relationships, and get top positions in search engines like Google. Getting a top rank is essential so audiences prefer you over similar content.

2. Expand your reach

Repurposing the content will help you reach audiences in different stages across different online platforms.  Your target audience will surely have many factors in common, but they might have a different approach to reaching you.  Some audiences prefer reading your blogs, some would like to get information from info-graphics, and others may like listening to the podcast.

There are different mediums through which your audience can get to your content. Repurposing your content in a different form through various channels is a great way to expand your business reach. Taking a break from creating content and investing time in repurposing it is how you reach your audience on different platforms.

Reaching your audience through different platforms will keep your business at the top of its priority list. This can be a great approach to bind your audience to yourself.

3. Gain a new audience

Your old content won’t get the attention it used to get in past years. Contents on the same topic are being published with better information than before. In such a case, there is a high chance that your old content might get underrated.

So, if you have good content and views have faded over time, repurposing the content can increase your visibility in front of a new audience. Repurposing the content will allow you to reach audiences you might not have reached previously.

4. Message consistency

repurposing content
Consistency <source: “”

Consistency is the key to expanding your business. The process of repurposing is about bringing certain changes in content, but you need to stay consistent in what the content wants to convey. Your audience may come across the same content on a different platform and should get clear information about it even though it’s presented in different formats.

Repurposing the same content in a different format will help you deliver a consistent message across different online platforms. Though online channels are different, providing the same information differently will give clarity on what you want to say.

5. Increase Credibility

When repurposing the content, you deliver the same message on a different channel.  This will keep you consistent in delivering the message to multiple audiences. Moreover, this will also allow you to increase credibility, as many people are coming across the same content.

However, by repurposing content, you are building your authority, but you need to ensure that you’re not publishing the same content in the same form. You don’t want to bore your audiences; keep them updated through engaging content to make them stay on your website.

6. Target persona in the buyer journey

The stages in the buyer journey are the awareness, consideration, and decision stages. Not every target audiences are in the same stage in the buyer journey. Your target audience might be searching for good content that convinces them to trust your product or services.

repurposing content
Buyer journey

Your personas just getting familiar with your business might be looking for some short informative content, and others who already know your existence might be looking for informative yet problem-solving content. Rather than publishing many contents, repurpose one content that is valuable to every persona in different stages.

7. Improve SEO

Repurposing the content will allow you to use the same keyword again, which is definitely an advantage for you. In fact, when repurposing the exact topic, you’re signaling to Google that you’re the thought leader of your industry. It will also support SEO, as this is how Google will increase trust in your business.

Search engine like Google prefers to prioritize those websites which can be trusted.  When Google believes you’re the reliable source for that topic, your visibility and rank on the search engine result page will improve.

8. Increase conversion rate

When you repurpose your content, you not only increase the chance to reach potential customers but also, there is a high possibility for your content to be shared. More audience will be aware of your business, and eventually, they will have your business name on top of their mind.

Whenever people want to get a service or product from your industry, there are chances that they’ll choose you. Repurposing the content will give you the right customers. Therefore, make sure that you utilize it properly.

9. Backlink opportunity

Your audience likes to read interesting, engaging, and informative content. Give them what exactly they are looking for so that it increases the possibility of getting shared.

If the blogs, infographics, images, etc, can interact with your audience, then there is a high chance they will share it. The more content gets shared, the more you generate backlink opportunities. Therefore, make sure whatever you create should interact with your audience to get the expected result.

Do you also want to repurpose your content to get all these benefits? Here are the ways how you can do it.

Ways to repurpose the content

repurposing content
Ways to repurpose the content


Do you have a lot of blogs on the same topic? When you start blogging, it’s obvious that you’ll have related blogs on the core topic. Combine all the related blogs and form one guide blog that covers every small to the big aspect of the topic.

Tips Newsletter

If you really want to get more out of repurposing, consider promoting in the tips newsletter. Once you have a list of email subscribers, you can promote your content to them, as even the dedicated audience can miss the blog. So, the tips newsletter can glue your audiences to your blogs.


When you have excellent content on a specific topic that your audience wants to take with them converting those content into an E-book can be the possible way. You can also convert the webinar or interviews into an e-book so that people can read it whenever they are free.


Info-graphics are the graphical representation of information that gives quick and clear knowledge. You can convert the entire content or certain section of the content into infographics to make the readers understand what they are reading.


If you have audiences who are too lazy to read the content, they can listen to it. Publishing the content in the podcast is also in trend to reach a new audience. But ensure that your content in the podcast is not too long, which bores the audience.

Video content

Search for a blog that can be very productive if you turn it into a video. Video content can be a powerful medium if you want to teach your audience how certain things are done or why certain things matter. If you can explain better in a video than in a blog, you can prefer converting the blog into a video.

There are many ways you can repurpose the content. It’s all about identifying and matching the content with an appropriate way to get a productive result.  You can also find your own way to repurpose your content.

Final Thought

Your content has so much to give you. Take time and analyze the existing content to determine how to repurpose it to get all the benefits. When you repurpose the content, you’ll get more value out of your effort and soon realize that your content is getting the attention it deserves. Most importantly, you’ll have quality content which is very important to bring traffic and lead to your website.

There is no specific rule to repurpose the content. Repurposing one content might not shower you with all the mentioned benefits but will cherish you with some of the benefits. If you want to get more out of repurposing, you should allocate time to repurpose the right content correctly.

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