9 Benefits of Facebook Marketing in Nepal
Unlike other marketing in Nepal, Facebook marketing in Nepal is the most populated and commonly used social media marketing in Nepal. Not only in Nepal, Facebook Marketing is currently the largest social media network in the world. There were 10,429,000 Facebook users in Nepal from the stat November 2019, which is more than half of the total population of Nepal. With the reach of such a massive number of users, Facebook marketing has been an excellent platform for marketing businesses. From small businesses to large organizations, Facebook marketing works perfectly, providing maximum advertisement outcomes.[
Why is Facebook Marketing important?
Facebook Marketing is the most comfortable and accessible marketing medium for everyone to access its service. As already said, Facebook carries millions of active users, and whenever you post any of your posts, you can reach millions according to your will.
According to the research, people spend 20 minutes daily on Facebook, which is a really long period.
If you are looking for an advertisement on Facebook, here are some excellent points to enhance your interest in Facebook marketing.
1. Most populated social media
Facebook receives 2.45 billion active users per month, as a study from 2019. It is the biggest social network worldwide and carries the highest amount of users. People spend more time on Facebook than any other social media platform.

This social media “Facebook” was created much earlier than other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Naturally, it gained many users worldwide. Facebook also provides every possible service that a marketer requires, which places it at the high place of social media marketing.
2. The cheapest form of Advertising
You might not believe your $1 spent on post promotion reaches 1,000 people and $5 to 5,000. This is one of the significant advantages that a Facebook advertiser gets. Having Facebook ads, it doesn’t make sense to spend more money on PPC ads, radio ads, television commercials, billboards, etc. Also, advertising on Facebook works much better and quicker. You can get result within a range of week or even a day.
3. Easy to the target audience
Every advertiser desires to target the potential audience because it reduces the cost for unwanted users. Facebook ads provide targeting options by people’s age, interest, behaviour, location, gender, etc. You can find the most suited person who will immediately get engaged in your advertisement through Facebook ads. Instead of wasting your money promoting to thousands of strangers, you can filter the interested ones and target your ads to them, increasing the leads and conversion.[/vc_column_text]
4. Increases Brand Awareness
One of the main reasons for advertising is to create brand awareness and increase people’s engagement. The more your post is shared, the more people will know about your brand.
It is a great way to keep your customers aware of your products, and whenever they need such products, they will contact you first instead of searching for different organizations.
5. Helps in increasing website traffic

Whenever an individual clicks on your Facebook ad, it takes the visitor to your website landing page.
This way, you can obtain website traffic from Facebook advertisements as well. You can run a website click Campaign to take users to your website. Even though social traffic doesn’t matter about the website ranking, having something is better than having nothing.
6. Increases sales, leads, and conversion
Facebook marketing provides really engaging content like images, videos, text, etc. It builds trust and credibility with the visitors and carries a better percentage of converting visitors into customers.
Unfortunately, it takes time and effort to create every post that engages in creating conversion, but it really does work much more efficiently than other platforms.
People can directly communicate with the organization and review the post, creating a better relationship between customers and advertisers.
7. Facebook advertising provides a quick result

It drives immediate results to your effort. Your post can reach thousands of audiences within a couple of minutes, and people will get an immediate view of your post.
So, if you are impatient to get results and desire quick results, then Facebook marketing is the best choice for your business.
8. Improves customer relationship
You can directly contact your customer through several ways, i.e., inbox messages, comments, and other interactions on your advertisements. Facebook redesigned pages on mobile so that customers can feel easy in communication with your local business.
Also, Facebook’s new features allow visitors to see stories, recent photos, events, and many more engaging posts.
9. Boosts SEO
Social traffic is the easiest way to get traffic to the website. It plays a good role in uplifting the rank of the website.
You can also rank your Facebook page on the Google Search Engine only with the help of social traffic. Also, Facebook supports SEO ranking by some small points, but that is more than enough.
Here are some amazing facts about Facebook Marketing:
- There are over 2.45 billion active Facebook users per month.
- People use the Like and Share buttons almost 10 million times a day.
- In Europe, over 307 million people are on Facebook.
- Five new Facebook accounts are created every second.
- There are 83 million fake Facebook profiles.
- Per day, 300 million photos are uploaded.
- People visit an average of 20 minutes on Facebook daily.
- Every 60 seconds, 510,000 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are posted, and 136,000 photos are uploaded on Facebook.
- Over 6 million businesses are using Facebook Ads to reach their targeted audience.
- Facebook has made over 2.5 trillion posts to date.
Facebook marketing is reaching the height of success as one of the successful digital marketing in the market. Also, if you are looking for a comfortable, low-priced, and quicker way of digital marketing, then get going with Facebook marketing.
What are the best Facebook Marketing Tips?
If Facebook marketing was that easy then, every other source of marketing would lose their potential. Since not every marketer can get success through Facebook marketing, here are some tips to improve your advertising on Facebook and gain maximum benefit.
Perfect your Facebook profile with outstanding cover photo. Post original contents Provide quick response to customers Don’t ignore your analytics Test your ads before running Target your desire audience