The Hansikar Difference!

Our Network!

Hansikar Technologies presents a compelling network spanning the realms of cinema, gaming, art, and culture. Discover our dedicated websites delivering thought-provoking insights and immersive experiences across varied interests.


Belmont Filmhouse

BelmontFilmhouse is the go-to destination for the latest in movies and entertainment. From breaking news and insightful reviews to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes insights, and in-depth analyses, it covers various topics to keep audiences informed and entertained. Whether one is interested in upcoming releases, spoilers, film shooting insights, industry trends, or critical reviews, BelmontFilmhouse has it.

The Superslice

The Superslice is a hub where one can discover a tantalizing array of insights into Art & Design, Fashion, Music, Technology, Movies, Global News, and more. It offers a flavorful blend of captivating articles to indulge curiosities across diverse interests. Whether one is a trendsetter, tech aficionado, cinephile, or cultural explorer, this platform serves up inspiration spanning the realms of creativity. The Super Slice ignites the imagination and invites joining the conversation one delectable slice at a time.

Amy-movie is a cinematic hub where visitors can explore the latest news, reviews, and exclusive content from the world of cinema. Whether one is a film buff or casual viewer, the website offers a journey through the magic of storytelling on the silver screen. is a destination where every visit is an adventure!

Road to Peace Films

Road to Peace is a hub delving into the world of cinema from various perspectives. It explores thought-provoking films and celebrates the talents of actors and actresses. The site provides behind-the-scenes insights, news, and commentary on various topics related to the film industry. Covering new releases, actor profiles, industry happenings, and more, this blog caters to the diverse interests of movie enthusiasts.

ScreenPlaysMag is the go-to hub for all things gaming! It invites users to dive into immersive worlds, discover the latest updates, and explore gaming culture with its engaging content. Whether one is a seasoned player or new to the scene, offers an exciting journey through the gaming universe.

DWB Film

DWBfilm delivers accurate and precise news, views & reviews about one’s favorite movies and television shows. Its goal is simple: to provide insights from the dynamic world of movies, TV shows, streaming platforms, and beyond. DWBfilm invites readers to get ready and immerse themselves in the world of cinema.